The Hand That Rocked the Roman Cradle—Front and Center At Last

MarthaMarksAuthorPhoto Relevant History welcomes historical mystery/romantic-suspense author Martha Marks. Before there was a passion for writing in Martha’s life, there was a passion for teaching. She earned her Ph.D. in Spanish linguistics and literature at Northwestern University and served on the faculties of Kalamazoo College and Northwestern University. Since her retirement from academia, writing fiction and photographing wildlife have become her favorite creative outlets. Martha and her husband live in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and enjoy traveling, painting, and photographing in America’s amazing Rockies and Southwest. Rubies of the Viper is Martha's first novel. For more information, check her web site and blog, or connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.


Traditionally, books about the Roman Empire have focused on men. Male characters are the stars of the show in Ben Hur, Quo Vadis, Spartacus, The Robe, and dozens of novels published more recently. Women play bit roles, and that’s not surprising since most ancient women played bit roles in their societies. Little was written by or about them during their lifetimes, which is why relatively little is known about them today.

MarthaMarksBookCover In the last couple of years, however, several novels starring first-century Roman women have won great reviews and a passionate readership. My Rubies of the Viper, Kate Quinn’s Mistress of Rome and Daughters of Rome, and Suzanne Tyrpak’s Vestal Virgin all spotlight strong female protagonists who not only refuse to stay quietly in the background but aggressively step forward to control their destinies.

This is a good, new phase of modern literature. Books with such characters will appeal more to today’s women (and to many men as well). And since the lives of first-century women probably were interesting in their own ways, they deserve to be told—even if we authors have to piece together details from what archeological, literary, and historical sources we have. It’s like collecting bits of cloth to stitch into a beautiful quilt.

To see the total picture, you have to know that women living in the city of Rome during the first-century A.D. fell into three groups.

At the top of the social heap were the rich women of the patrician or equestrian classes whose names we know because they were the daughters, sisters, and/or mothers of the dictators, emperors, senators, generals, and conspirators whose names have gone down in history. They lived in mansions on the Palatine and Caelian Hills and enjoyed seaside villas in Pompeii and Herculaneum. These women were socially engaged, active in religious institutions, and often influential in the lives and careers of their sons and husbands.

Those fortunate women were surrounded by, waited on, and sustained by slaves—including many females, either home-grown or imported from conquered lands—who tended to be poorly fed, worked without pity, denied medical care, and subjected to corporal punishment and sexual abuse. What we know of their existence, based mostly on satirical writings of the time, does not suggest great happiness.

In between were hordes of free plebeian and foreign women whose names, lives, and deaths passed unnoted by history. They tended to live in slums like the notorious Subura, lacking education, sanitation, law enforcement, decent housing, medical care, and other things considered important even in the first century.

But what’s most interesting to me about women in first-century Rome is this:

Despite the obvious differences in status, influence, and quality of life between these three groups of women, other aspects of their lives didn’t differ all that much.

  • A Roman woman did not have her own unique name. Sisters received the same name, taken from the family name, and were distinguished as “first,” “second,” “third,” etc. Personal identity was almost nil.
  • A woman enjoyed no civil or legal rights. Her father, her husband, and eventually even her son(s) controlled her life from the day she was born to the day she died. Even the wealthiest patrician female could not run for office, or even vote.
  • A woman’s job in life was to marry (around age 14) a man selected by her father, manage his home, and bear him sons as often as she could before she died, which often happened before she was twenty. Men routinely went through several wives in their lives.
  • A woman could not protect her infant daughter or sickly son if her husband decided to kill the child directly or indirectly, by exposure.
  • A woman could divorce her husband but was required to leave her children with him. She had no legal claim to them.
  • Only under very unusual circumstances could a woman own property in her own right. (This nugget of historical truth forms the basis of my plot in Rubies of the Viper.)

As with some societies today, first-century Rome wasn’t woman friendly.

The thing I find most fresh and appealing in the new crop of female-centered fiction set in this particular time and place is that all three segments of society are brought vividly to life. Ancient Roman novels are not just about warriors, dictators, and private detectives any more. They’re also about women—rich, poor, slave, free, whatever.

Female characters are not add-ons or after-thoughts in these books. Their individual activities, challenges, emotions, desires, and ambitions are central and portrayed in crisp detail. As reviewers of Quinn’s novels, Tyrpak’s novel, and my own have pointed out, nothing is held back. The reader comes into a very specific time and place and sees the entire Roman culture, including women’s lives, in ways that would be unimaginable in more traditional novels.

In Rubies of the Viper, three female characters carry much of the plot: my protagonist, Theodosia Varro; her slave, Lucilla; and her friend, Flavia Domitilla, the daughter of a famous general. Another woman, Theodosia’s Greek mother, has died before the story begins, but she hangs over it like an omnipresent ghost. Together, these four represent the entire spectrum of Roman society. During the six years it took me to write this book, I worked hard to dig out and integrate details of the lives of women into the larger societal picture I was painting with words. One of the greatest pleasures I have now is when readers let me know—through emails and reviews—that I made them feel what it was like to be a woman in first-century Rome. I hope to do the same in my sequel, The Ruby-Serpent Amulet—which is now in progress.


A big thanks to Martha Marks. She'll give away one print copy and two electronic copies of Rubies of the Viper to people who contribute comments on my blog this week. I'll choose winners from among those who comment by Saturday at 6 p.m. ET. Delivery of the print copy is available within the U.S. only.


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The Hand That Rocked the Roman Cradle—Front and Center At Last — 18 Comments

  1. An excellent overview of the place of women in Roman society; the stories about strong women emphasise how a woman of character can find ways around the mores of society to exert an influence. I look forward to acquiring and reading what sounds like an exciting and informative read.

  2. I grew up on Hollywood historical epics (and B movies). My sister told me Greek myths instead of fairy tales. So I love this approximate period and look forward to reading Rubies.

  3. Hi Gayle! Hollywood historicals like “Cleopatra” and “Jason and the Argonauts” were fun, weren’t they? Which one was your favorite? The sword-and-sandals epics of the last 10 years don’t seem quite as spectacular. Maybe they’re too fixated on the CGI, to the detriment of plot and character.

  4. Hi, Sarah and Gayle. (You too, Suzanne!) I’m happy to hear that my post about the role of women in first-century Roman society has struck a chord with you. There’s more on that subject (and other things) on my blog, so please check that out if you’re interested. BTW, Gayle, those Hollywood epics were part of the culture when I was growing up… and definitely among the things that launched my interest in that time period. Good luck in the drawing!

  5. Your description of the restricted lives surprised me somewhat, at least as to widows. Perhaps those of whom I’m thinking (w/o recalling names) had the good fortune to be wealthy and childless when widowed and to stay unmarried.

  6. Martha, you’ve really caught my attention with this information. It threw me for a loop because I always thought that since the Romans (and Greeks) had so many Goddesses in their pantheons, their respective societies would allow rights and privileges to the female populace; boy, how wrong I was!
    It sounds as if you have really done exhaustive research, so I look forward to reading Rubies of the Viper and learning more about first century Rome.

  7. Thanks for stopping by, Liz. The first time I heard of the restricted lives of Roman widows, I was surprised, too. Then I realized that I was confusing the standards imposed on widows from one era with those on widows from another era. Different cultures, different times, different rules.

  8. Linda, welcome! Interesting point about the goddesses. Look at them closer, though. Those with the most personal power were those who remained virginal: Diana, Vesta, Minerva. The other goddesses were ridiculed and abused by the gods. Especially Juno, archetypal goddess of marriage. What does that tell you about what Romans thought of marriage and wives? You can learn a lot about a culture by looking at its gods.

  9. Let me add a couple of other fascinating little tidbits on this topic. Roman women actually were wildly liberated compared with their Greek counterparts, who were mostly restricted to their homes and not able to participate in most public life, including religious activities. It was a very “Eastern” culture in that way. By contrast, the most liberal people in the Italian neighborhood (at least as regards females) were the Etruscans, whose women enjoyed almost equal status with their men. And they were there before the Ancient Romans, who conquered them.

  10. One has only to remember the PBS series “I Claudius” to recall a strong Roman woman. Does the name Livia ring a bell? The wife, mother and grandmother of emperors, Livia was one of the strongest women characters ever created. I’ve only just begun to read Roman historicals so I look forward to reading Martha Mark’s take on Roman women.
    Marilyn aka: M. E. Kemp, author of a strong nosy Puritan woman series. (To come soon: DEATH OF A CAPE COD CAVALIER)

  11. Marilyn, thanks for stopping by. I’ve never seen “I Claudius” on PBS. I’ll browse YouTube; no doubt there are some clips from the production floating around.

  12. I Claudius is truly wonderful, Marilyn, and so is the newer HBO series, “Rome”. Have you seen that one? If not, you should. Its vivid, in-your-face realism and powerful characters (including women up and down the social scale) will knock your socks off. My husband and I own both complete DVD sets. He’s as big a fan of ancient Rome as I am, so we watch each one from start to finish at least once a year. Amazon has the two-season series (22 episodes) on sale for $71.50. It’s worth every penny. Here’s that link…

  13. As I read Martha’s fascinating article, I too was reminded of “I, Claudius,” with the incomparable Sian Phillips as Livia, and “Rome,” with two powerful performances by Polly Walker as Atia and Lindsay Duncan as Servilia. In both those series, the women wielded as much power as the men, albeit in more indirect and even devious ways. I look forward to reading Martha’s book — ancient Rome hooked me on history a long time ago, and I’m interested in learning more about the lives of women in those turbulent times.

  14. Hi Laurie, thanks for commenting. Powerful women in history are fascinating, perhaps because so few of their stories are known to us. Leslie Sackrison’s book Awesome Women brings to light the many professions that women have mastered through the centuries.

  15. Suzanne, I think the HBO opus with gory gladiator fights that you’re talking about is “Spartacus,” which I haven’t seen and don’t intend to. “Rome” has plenty of brutality (if not, it wouldn’t be accurate), but there’s so much more to it than that. Laurie Smith is talking about the same series I am.

  16. Martha, thanks for clarifying the name of the program. And it’s amazing how much of that good old-fashioned Roman brutality survives in our culture today.